Pastor Leonardo (Francis) is married to Kenya Pena De Marte, with children Yamibel Marte and Jonively Marte
Types of Ministry Provided
Adult and children’s services, prayer meetings, and evangelistic outreaches.
Impact on the Community
This church is built in a residential area, located in the former city dump. Most residents have no water or sewer service, and only some have inconsistent electric service. There are presently over 800 families living in this area. The church visibility is excellent; many people walk past the church daily to/from work. This area is known for trafficking of drugs and children, but this Church Plant has become a light in the midst of darkness!
Senior Pastor
Church Name
Iglesia Evangelica Apocalipis 1:8 “Jesus Fountain of Life”
The 2024 estimated population of Santiago West is 701,269.
Date of Building Dedication
Sept. 25, 2022
Church Attendance
60–75 (Adults, Youth, and Children)