Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations [help the people to learn of Me, believe in Me, and obey My words], baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
Matthew 28:19 AMP
Pastors Mac and Lynne Hammond
Senior Pastors at Living Word
Pastors Mac & Lynne Hammond
We believe discipleship happens in a local church. That’s why we founded Living Word in 1980 and continue as senior pastors there today.
In 2022, God expanded our vision far past the people in our community. Now, we have a goal to disciple people across this world through global church planting. With the help of our partners and our church family, we have committed to planting at least 50 churches across this world in five years. After those churches are built, we will continue to invest in their communities, train their pastors, and bless their church families.
As we bring God’s Word to the world, we also want to help His Word come alive in your hearts. That’s why we air The Winner’s Way on a variety of networks as well as The Winner’s Minute. These broadcasts are designed to provide you with the meat of God’s Word that will disciple you in the ways of the Lord.
Reaching the world through global church planting, discipling our community through Living Word, and training the body of Christ in the ways of the Lord: This is the vision God has given to us.
Will you join us?