In the Heat of the Moment

In the Heat of the Moment

We’ve all been there—in the heat of the moment when our blood is beginning to boil, we want to reach out and shake the person we are talking to and make them see things our way… We find ourselves in the middle of a conflict. Unfortunately, not many people know how to...
Learning to Hear When God Speaks

Learning to Hear When God Speaks

I’ve had many people say to me, “I’m having trouble hearing the voice of God. How can I learn to hear His voice?” Maybe you’ve asked the same thing yourself, so let me answer that question with an illustration. Suppose you and I are...
Our Comforter and Helper, Part 2

Our Comforter and Helper, Part 2

Weaknesses Are No Problem We are not accustomed to seeing ourselves as spiritual Samsons. Focused on our natural weakness, we often feel less than mighty. But here’s some good news. The Holy Spirit can show Himself strong through us regardless. We know He can because...
Our Comforter and Helper, Part 2

Our Comforter and Helper Part 1

Although I’ve taught about the Holy Spirit for years, recently the Lord has given me fresh light on His ministry. It’s a simple but vital fact: to operate in something, we need a revelation of how it works. When it comes to natural things, that’s obvious. You could...
No Offense Taken

No Offense Taken

If you are slow to respond when confronted, you have the opportunity to control that devilish threat that tries to rise up in your flesh—to take offense. Proverbs 16:24 makes the point: “Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.”...