Drawing From the Well

Dearest Friend and Pray-er, I have a question for you to think about today: how much of God do you...
Uncovering the Real You

Uncovering the Real You

The whole Bible is filled with promises to those who are in Christ Jesus: promises of healing, prosperity, and success. Speak the following confessions over your own life. Let them permeate your thoughts. Fill your mind with what God says about you!

Tongues and Interpretation

Tongues and Interpretation

Dearest Friend and Pray-er, Do you know where we need to pray these days? Whether we’re at home alone in our prayer closet, at church, or someplace else, we need to pray “at all times (on every occasion, in every season) in the spirit” (Ephesians 6:19, AMPC). In the...

Winning Your World

Winning Your World

Move into all God has for you by becoming the bold soul winner you know He’s created you to be.

Tongues and Interpretation

Lift Your Heart With Your Hands

Dearest Friend and Pray-er, Almost everywhere I look these days, the Devil is turning up the pressure on believers. When we face that kind of pressure, one of the things we need most is an example to follow. Thankfully, the Bible is full of such people. A young woman...

Levels of Influence

Levels of Influence

The way people receive Jesus is to have been prepared by their contact with godly influences. That opens their hearts to the Lord. You Are a Leader This is the will of God for every Christian in this dispensation: to influence the world around them for Jesus Christ....

Resolution vs. Pattern

Resolution vs. Pattern

We often think about New Year’s resolutions as a one-time thing. What decisions can we make at the beginning of the year that will help us better ourselves? The problem with this mentality is that it doesn’t correctly prepare people for the journey of change most are...

What’s Your Purpose? by Lynne Hammond

What’s Your Purpose? by Lynne Hammond

Dear Friend, I want to remind you today that you are extremely important to the plan of God. Sometimes you may not feel like it. Sometimes, amidst the apparent ordinariness of life, it might not seem like what you’re called by God to do, day to day, makes a major...

Born to Raze Hell

Born to Raze Hell

If you looked up “boldness” in either the Hebrew or the Greek, they both say almost the same thing: confidence or assurance. I like what the W.E. Vines Expository Dictionary says: “to dare to be or to dare to do.” “To dare” means that adversity or threat is in front...

Safely in the Secret Place – Part 2

Safely in the Secret Place – Part 2

Imagine yourself surrounded by an impenetrable wall of protection. Picture yourself enveloped by an invisible force field that no sickness, injury or evil can penetrate. Does that sound too good to be true? That level of security is no fantasy. It's the Secret Place....

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