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You can help plant a church and make disciples around the globe. Jesus commanded His disciples to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19).

We believe discipleship happens in a local church. That’s why we are committed to planting 50 churches across this world in five years. After those churches are built, we will continue to invest in their community, train their pastor, and bless their church family.

We are committed to
planting 50 churches in 5 years!

You can help plant a church and make disciples around the globe.

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Discover God’s Promises

Find Out Who God Is and His Promises to You

God’s promises are true, regardless of what we see on this earth. That means we to go to His Word to find out who He is and what He has promised. That’s where we can attach our faith.

Time is Short

God wants you to impact the world.

He is calling you to bring the Gospel to people worldwide. In this book, you’ll find out how you can fulfill your high calling and give the Gospel wings in these last days!

Water, Wind, and Fire: The Next Steps eBook

Water, Wind, and Fire – The Next Steps takes new believers from the basics of Christianity into the next steps of their walk with God.