I remember in 1979 exactly where I was when somebody sent me the tape of brother Kenneth Hagin saying he had decided they were going to have a prayer school at Rhema. The reason for that prayer school was Jesus had appeared to him and said there is not nearly enough prayer for your government or for the United States of America.

At that time, I wasn’t so interested in praying for the government. I was praying more for personal things, for harvest, and for rain. But then brother Hagin went over to 1 Timothy 2:1–4, which says:

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. (KJV)

If you want to live a peaceable life in all godliness—where godliness can prevail, where you can have prayer in your schools, where you don’t have to have humanism and evolution taught to your kids—you’re going to pray for people who are in authority.

Pray for America

Just lately, I have noticed a whole bunch of people who are waking up and saying, “Enough is enough. Back off and retreat, Devil. You’re not going to do this to our nation.” And they’ve started to not only pray for our nation’s leaders, but to also pray for revival.

There’s a specific kind of prayer that has been getting special emphasis recently. It’s a type of prayer that will help us take our place of authority as members of the kingdom of light, and it’s the type of prayer that will bring the Great Awakening America needs. It’s called pleading your case.

Isaiah 43:26 says: Put me in remembrance, remind me of your merits. Let us plead and argue together, set forth your case that you may be justified.

The Holy Spirit helps us plead our case before the Father. We’re not talking about pleading in the sense of begging or having a pleading tone in your voice. Pleading your case loses all pleading tones and goes more into argument, often similar to a lawyer who lays out his case.

Look at the Bible’s examples of people who pleaded their cases. Moses excelled in this art as he pled on behalf of the Israelites time and again. Elijah exemplified the principle of “pleading your case” when he was on Mount Carmel in the middle of a showdown to prove to the Israelites that God was the only true God. And in Matthew 15:22–28, Jesus responded to the persistent argument of a Canaanite woman who pled her case before Him.

Plead Your Case

As I’ve studied this type of praying, a man by the name of George Mueller has stood out to me. He took care of orphans over in England in the 1800s, and he knew how to present his case before God. For example, when he found in the Word that God was a father to the fatherless, that very day he relinquished all responsibility to be a father to the orphans under him. He reminded God, “You are their Father. No father leaves their children without food or clothing, unless he is an abusive father. I trust you will take care of these children.” He literally pled his case before the Father, and he always saw God answer.

Arthur T. Pierson wrote about the life of George Mueller in the book George Mueller of Bristol.

“It is pathetically beautiful to watch this humble man of God in the secret place and hear him pouring out his soul in these argumentative pleadings as though he would so order his course before God as to convince him that he must interpose to save his own name and word from dishonor. … if this was God’s work was not he bound to care for his own work and was not all this deliberately planned and carried on for his own glory and would he suffer his own glory to be dimmed, had not his own word be given by his oath and could God allow his promise thus sworn to be dishonored even in this least particular, were not the half believing church and the unbelieving world looking on to see how the living God would stand by his own unchanging assurance and would he supply an argument for the skeptic and the scoffer would he not, must he not rather put new proofs of his faithfulness in the mouth of his saints and furnish increasing arguments where with to silence the tongue and put to shame the hesitating disciple.”

This man came boldly before the throne of grace. His example spurred me to approach God the same way. I’ve felt led to gather arguments for our case: why we need a Great Awakening in America. Our prayer leaders and congregation members have gathered arguments and created a petition to the Lord for a Great Awakening, one that only He can bring.

As you pray through this petition, you may have words, Scripture, or prophecies that would bring more leverage to it. Add to it any way you want to. Make it a daily pleading for change in America. As we gather together to plead our case, I believe we’ll see the kingdom of darkness be pushed back in this nation as the Lord answers our petition with a Great Awakening.

Read the Praying for America petition

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