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Authentic Christianity


Lynne Hammond brings us back to the basics of fellowship with the Lord. She explains how Christians have been made to come to God and be filled and then live their lives for God.


For years, people have tried to define how to be a Christian. They usually look for an answer in religious repetitions and rituals. But as people who have tried these options tell you, these programs leave you feeling empty.

Includes the following messages:/p>

• Living “To” Him and “For” Him
• The River of the Spirit
• Avoiding Religious Rituals That leaves us asking the question—”What is authentic Christianity?”

Lynne Hammond brings us back to the basics of fellowship with the Lord. She explains how Christians have been made to come to God and be filled and then live their lives for God.

Additional information

Weight .4 lbs
Dimensions 6.75 × 1 × 6.5 in



Lynne Hammond


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