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Discover God’s Promises

From: $10.00

Find Out Who God Is and His Promises to You

** This book is only shipped within the continental United States**

God’s promises are true, regardless of what we see on this earth. That means we need to go to His Word to find out who He is and what He has promised. That’s where we can attach our faith.

So go ahead and invest the next 25 days to Discover God’s Promises!

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Find Out Who God Is and His Promises to You

** This book is only shipped within the continental United States**

God’s promises are true, regardless of what we see on this earth. That means we need to go to His Word to find out who He is and what He has promised. That’s where we can attach our faith.

So go ahead and invest the next 25 days to Discover God’s Promises!

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Where did you see us?

CornerStone CTVN, Daystar, Faith TV, KSTC45, KVTN, PTL, Victory Channel, Winner's Minute, WJYS, WTGL


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