Why are we here? Where did we come from? What happens after we die? These are just a few of the questions Pastor Mac answers in his new series Eternity. He’ll cover topics such as creation vs. evolution, angelic ministry, the dateless past, the dateless future, what heaven looks like, and how we fit into the overall big picture of God’s plan.
Pastor Mac introduced the series by starting at the beginning: Genesis 1:1. What was the process that unfolded in the dateless past that led to the creation of man? Was man created or did he evolve from the “goo to the zoo to you”?
It’s important to answer questions such as these so you can answer questions in your life and in others.
Anywhere a question mark exists in your life you’ll find a potential open door for the enemy to undermine your faith by introducing doubt and fear. Because of this, it’s important to eliminate as many question marks in your life as you can. That’s why learning about Eternity will establish a foundational understanding of why we’re here on this earth and ultimately enable the puzzle pieces of your life to fit together as God has planned.
CD Titles
1-In the Beginning
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