Our Vision for 2022

Lynne and I are excited about 2022! God has placed a vision in our hearts for how we can share His love and expand His kingdom through these next 12 months, and we want to invite you to join us in this journey! As we come together we know God will do great things in our communities and beyond! We’ve highlighted below specific areas where the Lord is calling us to take ground for the Kingdom and see people’s lives affected and changed by the Gospel.

Digital: Using today’s technology to reach people.

Praying together online has become a powerful experience of connection for many people. Pastor Lynne has began a project called ThePrayerMovement.com. Here, you’ll receive encouragement, resources, and action steps to answer God’s call to pray together with people from around the world. You can register your group now, invite your friends, and start praying online today!

We plan to strengthen content for Online Church, our website, social media, and other online resources, to further God’s message. We are excited to keep building out our Apps and all our online resources.

This past year we are proud to say we published the Winner’s Minute Devotional to encourage, and inspire during your everyday routine. We are also excited to continue to use one minute of truth to reach people, touch lives, and make a difference across the Twin Cities and beyond!

Catch up on Sermons, Videos, Podcasts, and More!
Download today for powerful content and resources to help you grow in the Lord. Download below!

Global: Making a difference all around the world.

Taking God’s Love Around the World!

For the last three years, we have supported a rehabilitation center for alcoholics and drug addicts. We’ve seen countless people set free from addiction.

We are reaching kids that live on a mountain in an area that does not receive any type of help from the government. In addition to bringing food and ministry, they also have a program that educates children on how to defend themselves from sexual abuse which occurs often in this community.

We are working with the AGAPE ministry to provide food and medicine to more than 100 families that live in the area.

The Falcon 50 aircraft plays a vital role in establishing a physical presence in any area where we plant more Living Word campuses. This allows us to transport volunteers, staff, and needed supplies around the world with greater efficiency and reliability.