“… and we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air.”
In these words, the book of Thessalonians describes one of the most astounding events that is on the threshold of happening–the catching away of believers in the last days. Yet many Christians remain largely in the dark about “the Rapture.” Fewer still are aware that many who claim the name of Christ may very well be left behind.
In this powerful pair of messages, The Rapture: A Biblical Fact, and What To Do If You Miss the Rapture, Mac Hammond brings fresh, biblical insight to this timely subject and deepens your appreciation for God’s glorious plan of redemption. As you listen, you’ll discover:
• The numerous biblical types and symbols which point to the imminent catching away of the Church
• Why the parable of the ten virgins suggests that not all Christians will be taken in the Rapture
• The two things you must do to be confident you’ll be taken in the Rapture
• The five steps you must be sure to take if you are left behind
Don’t stay in the dark concerning this next glorious event on God’s prophetic timetable. Let this two-CD series illuminate your understanding of The Rapture: The Crowning Benefit of Redemption.
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